Whole of government Right to Information and Information Privacy
Before you make an application, we recommend you contact the relevant agency.
The Queensland Government is committed to giving the community access to information held by the Government.
The following legislation came into effect on 1 July 2009:
The Right to Information Act 2009 (RTI Act) and the Information Privacy Act 2009 (IP Act) were enacted as a result of the independent and comprehensive review of the Queensland freedom of information legislation, The Right to Information (the Solomon Report) in June 2008.
Applications for access to information under the RTI and IP Acts are formal methods of information access, often referred to as the methods of last resort. This is because there is a preference to provide information administratively, avoiding the need and potential cost of a formal method of access.
Queensland’s Right to Information and Information Privacy legislation is designed to make more information available to members of the community, and provide a framework for the lawful management and handling of individuals’ personal information.
Proposed reforms to Queensland’s information privacy and right to information framework
Find out more about the recommended changes to the IP Act and RTI Act and reforms being considered.